
Demo Reel
pdated May 2022

Scroll down for:

  • Actor Trailer & Reel

  • a Short Film

  • Solo Show & Sketch Comedy

  • Showcase Scenes

  • Monologues & Sides

Self-Generated Work

Solo Show

Chris embodies and impersonates three people to create a connection between social media, democracy, and theater.

Short Film

A short film created for ACT’s Skyfest Series. A gNut House Productions project.
Chris played Tom and the sound editor for this project.

Sketch Comedy

Comedy Sketch
Chris embodies the various personas & inter-“personal” conflicts of the North Pole.
Created by Chris as part of American Conservatory Theater’s MFA Virtual Variety Show

A.C.T.’s MFA Class of 2021 Showcase Scene

David encounters an unexpected guest in the men's room while practicing his senatorial concession speech.
Written by George Nolfi
Part of A.C.T.'s MFA class of 2021 showcase

Monologues & Sides

Jack, Boy’s Life by Howard Korder
Jack hits on a joint & a new friend.

Kendall, S2e4 of HBO’s Succession
Kendall shares a vulnerable moment with his sister.

King Henry, Henry V
King Henry responds to the Dauphin's gift of tennis balls.

Tom, Fat Pig by Neil LaBute
Tom confesses his feelings with a deep crush.

Mr. Orlando, Gym Teacher by Christopher Durang
A former Marine steps in as a middle school substitute P.E. teacher

Actor Trailer

Actor Trailer
Chris shares a little bit about himself.